My Plan is Your Plan

  • The Way I Shoot

    My approach is discreet, I mainly film candid moments and I am there to enhance your day and make sure everyone feels great on camera.

    To fully capture key moments such as the ceremony and speeches, where possible, I will ask those speaking to wear a small microphone, it will allow me to record clear audio of the words, this will be placed within your film to uplift the production value and bring your memories flooding back.

    Only selected parts of the speeches will be used in the main edit for editorial purposes. A separate un-edited and un-enhanced version of the speeches will be delivered as a separate file for you to watch back.

  • Your Day

    The majority of the day, I shoot things as they naturally unfold. This keeps you guys stress free and also lets the moments become as natural as possible. A small section of the day, usually at the same time at your photographer, I will give you some extra pointers on where to look or walk, don’t feel nervous, this is your big day, it’s awesome :-)

    If the weather doesn’t play ball we can choose moments to shoot inside, away from the hustle and bustle of friends and family where you can both take 10 minutes away to take it all in and get some romantic moments to cherish.

    None of my films are the same, because all my couples are brilliantly unique. My editing style is modern, fun and will set your film apart from many others in the market.

  • Is Your Choice

    For me, music selection can make or break a video, you’ll be pleased to know I don’t think I have broken any videos yet and quite often I have comments from friends, family and clients saying how much they enjoyed the music. I spend hours, sometimes days finding the perfect tracks to complement your wedding film. The music I choose is from an industry leading supplier and will never feel cheap.

    A side note, I am just currently paying for a subscription to the website call AUDIIO, this is at extra cost to enable to bring value to you as a customer and have outstanding videos, you may find a song that you love, please let me know before your big day if you see one on there. This may stop you from sharing onto social media due to licensing but this won’t affect how you view your finished film, you could always email it to friends instead, this isn’t a problem.