Gallery Of Some Selected Weddings

Please take a minute to have a look at some of my previous weddings, take inspirations and let me know your thoughts. Thanks very much.

Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.


Connor and Megan, what a great couple, and in a great location too. The pumping house in Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, Situated on the edge of Sherwood Forest, The Pumping House was originally called Boughton Pumping Station, and opened in 1905. The pump house was commissioned by the Nottingham Corporation Water Department and was capable of pumping 20 million imperial gallons (91,000m3) per day through 15 ¾ miles of 30 inch pipe from the underground sandstone Aquifer.

I do love an industrial look to a building, loads of vintage touches there.

To start with I went to capture Megan getting ready with her friends and family, the morning light was class, some little beams of light shining through, had to be captured! I then moved onto Connor, the smart little dude, he was getting ready in one of the smaller rooms within the pump house, looking dapper indeed. He didn’t look as nervous but that soon changed haha!

I then went to go and capture Megan’s custom shoes and dress before they were put on, what a great dress it was too, loved the lacing on the back, providing some good stills while her friends helped out.

It was then time for the ceremony, Connor was definitely nervous by this point, he looked on and waited for Megan to come around the corner, they both looked so to happy to see each other, like really really happy!

After the ceremony it was time for group shots and the couples shoot, the location was class, a lovely wooded area for the couple with some large doors and steps for the group shots.

As it was a winter wedding the sun couldn’t be bothered to hang around much longer and I was asked to cover a few group shots on the inside stairs of the building, a tiny place. Trying to not get the banister poles in was a mission haha.

After the portraits it was speeches and drinks, lots and lots of drinks, shots for the sake of shots haha!! This made the speeches something to remember!!! Shortly after the speeches it was time for the cake cutting, what a beauty, i’m sure it was white chocolates and Ferrero Rocher, not entirely sure.

By this point I think it was dance time! drinks were flowing, the first dance lasted about a minute and then everyone bundled onto the dance floor!! I used a dynamic flash setup, mixed with a live band too, I loved these shots.

After a while and some dancing from me too it was time to skedaddle into the darkness and rain, another great wedding for the books.


Hanna and Luke got married in St Leonards Church, Balderstone, Samlesbury, Lancs. A little village affair with a lovely avenue of trees leading up to the doors. I got to the after party venue early doors, well before I needed to, I helped Hanna and her family to sort out some table decorations and bunting, also a little bit of baby sitting haha.

I’ve worked with Hanna before, I don’t usually offer a child watch service but it’s a big day, any help towards her was fine by me.

I then went to Lukes place to capture groom prep, a tiny little road leading to their house, a lovely place, we went to his dad’s garden pub, class little place!! I think there were quite a few drinks getting nailed after I left them haha.

I went to Hanna’s sisters house to capture bridal prep, lovely little place but nails for photos, toast and champers were downed before I left and after the dramas of a missing son’s shoe it was time to head to the church before Hanna got there, luckily she was running late because I drove the wrong way to the church twice haha!!!

I got there and Luke and the guests were waiting by, a lovely traditional church setting, with good lighting to be fair, a rare thing.

I’m not hundred percent on the various traditions with the cloth etc (see the photos) but I wasn't expecting them to happen, definitely kept me on my toes, it was great to see. Shortly after the ceremony it was onto the Christening, yep a double whammy! Was cool to capture though. Not sure baby Ivy liked it haha!!

After the ceremony it was a short Mini car journey to the afterparty venue, unfortunately due to the weather and timings I couldn’t do any couple shoots but it was straight onto the speeches and they were class, Luke got absolute rinsed haha!

After the speeches it was time for a traditional Scottish kilt moony photo and then the cake cutting, a lovely looking cake but i’m not sure what it was, I didn’t taste any.

Shortly after the cake cutting it was onto cutting some shapes with the dancing, this time I used a video light instead of flashes, I think it worked much better to be honest.

Highlight of the dance was watching Hanna and her sister screaming Evanescence haha, a classic!!

After loads of dancing, drinks and kilt lifting it was time for me to go, what a great day.


Jamie and Rach got married in the Gray Manor Hotel, Cholderton, Salisbury a lovely place to be honest, not like a hotel at all, there a huge seating area outside, a swing, a large grassed area and also a lovely little place with a ton of umbrellas above the couples.

First of all I went to capture Jamie and the groom party, including his son Jenson at their home, a nice little family get together with Jenson’s first set of cufflinks. I then went to the venue to capture Rach and the bridal party, they were so welcoming it was ace, a great bunch of ladies. Very fun, almost too fun, I was distracted haha!!

Once Rach was ready I did a couple of set up shots of her and then went to the venue for the ceremony, Jamie was waiting there and he was looking happy and dapper, scrubbed up well from his usual rugby attire haha.

As Rach came around the corner, they were both beaming at each other, ear to ear, was so good to see. After the vows they singed the books to make it official then it was off outside for drinks, group shots and some couple shoots, we moved around to the different features, I just followed and just let the great moments unfold. There were some great sunset vibes too and Jamie pulled off a class move with some heel clicking haha.

After we finished Jamie and Rach went into another room for speeches. In their room there were 2 very large chairs for them to sink into, a great touch, looked ace, really set the scene.

The speeches were a show within themselves, traditional ones, powerpoint presentations and an awards ceremony haha!!

After the cake cutting it was onto the dancing, this was next level haha, might have had something to do with the endless amounts of shots incoming, there was some random Mexican dolls dancing and Jamie getting stuck in the middle on a chair getting sung to by all the ladies haha.

To finish the night off there was a mass gathering before lighting of sparklers with everyone, this was my first sparkler shoot and won’t be my last, they look ace.


Kat and Mark got married within Winkworth Farm, Malmesbury, near Swindon a great place down a long long track, a track that is also where I nearly grounded out my lowered car to the venue and actual fully stuck on the way back when I offered to take the parents back to their homes….not a regular service I offer 😂

I arrived early doors to meet up with Kat and her running buddies, she asked if I could there early and photograph an early morning run in the rain, not a drama at all!! After that it was inside to watch England play rugby if I remember rightly, loads of ooohhhhs and aaaaahhhhs around the room haha.

After the match it was off to capture Kat and her bridal party, a small little get together room that was dimly lit and fairly orange, a usual occurrence photographers have to witness and work around. There was an upstairs section too, I love this as shooting from above offers some great perspectives.

Kat and Mark both love to cycle and this theme was evident about the venue, so cool.

I remember Kat coming down the isle after being ushered in under umbrellas, she looked nervous but very excited, I don’t think Mark could believe his eyes from the look on his face.

Once the vows were read and the deed was done it was back outside and through a guard of honour, this was great to capture as it’s not often an event that’s covered.

Once back inside it was food time, it looked great, very nice meals indeed, the speeches were so funny too afterwards and everyone was in stitches.

After the speeches Kat and Mark decided that cutting a cake with a normal knife was too low key and using a sword would definitely fit the bill seeing as they are both Army Officers 😂

Once the cake was decapitated it was onto the dancing. To start with it was fairly normal, a slow dance and then bringing family and friends on, it soon turned to limbo and the conga 😂 carnage!!

All in all a class wedding and one to remember.


Lee and Naomi got married in Syrencot House, near Salisbury, what a place. The house has a long and fascinating history. Most notably during the Second World War, Syrencot House operated as a base for paratroopers and was also the base for the planning and execution of Operation Overlord (the Allied invasion of June 1944) and the taking of Pegasus Bridge, amid conditions of the utmost secrecy. I remember arriving for the initial meet up with Lee and Naomi and was so happy to see the venue areas, beautiful rooms, gardens and a greenhouse type pavilion, beautiful.

When I arrived, I felt so welcomed and Naomi was looking great even before the hair and makeup commenced. She was a little nervous I think but in good spirits, I went to visit Lee too, he was getting ready near Salisbury in another location. A tight room but with a nice big window, standard staring into the abyss shots please 😂

Before the ceremony, I took Naomi’s dress to the pavilion to get some shots, loved these ones, probably my favourite so far, lovely green plants and insane amount of light from the greenhouse style windows.

Once everyone was ready and the ceremony was about to start we were all eager to see Naomi come around the corner, Lee was watching (which I think shouldn’t be allowed haha) then his face lit up and they both smiled like Cheshire cats.

I can’t remember exactly what was said during the vows but the registrar messed something up and the whole venue was in stitches, so good!!

Once the ceremony was done, it was confetti time and drinks, I do love a good confetti session and I’ve only done 2 😫

If I remember rightly the food was pretty damn tasty, I wanna say lamb but I can’t remember. The place had only just been renovated and it was stunning to see, with some vintage bulbs everywhere and with a mixture of old and new. Once everyone had eaten I took Lee and Naomi away for the first of 2 couple shoots, I only usually do one but the 2nd sesh was when the sun was setting and it looked stunning.

After group shots I was tasked to do loads of family portraits, it was like a chaotic conveyor belt, not a bad thing, just plenty of tipsy excited guests that haven’t seen each other for a while, including one shoot for a guy that wanted a tinder profile picture, no joke, again, not a normal request, but I’m happy to cater 😂

Soon after it was time for speeches, as per this did not disappoint, everyone in laughter throughout 😂

It was then soon time to cut the cake, this cake was class, a log stacked beast with Lee’s uniform eloquently remade onto a tiny mouse.

Once it was cut, it was then time to get on the dance floor, I’m sure there were plenty of drinks down the hatch by this point, people were not shy 😂 I had set up 2 flashes side by side, I loved this set up and captured a mega moody photo of Naomi on the dance floor.

During the dancing a pizza oven was also getting fired up outside, an absolute winner in my eyes, almost every guest will enjoy a pizza.

Fun, family, friends and food….this wedding was a cracker 👌🏽


Steph and Rosie got married at Wasing Park Estate, what a lovely place indeed, a huge tree laden park entrance and a long driveway to the house. I arrived there in good time, however, literally as I got out the car my smart shoes soles fell apart, like beyond repair so I had to stick on some trainers!! Not cool but a nice ice breaker upon arrival haha.

I first went to see Rosie once i’d sorted myself out, the first issue I had was the sat nav taking to a gate that was coded and locked, what a nightmare! I turned around and headed a different way using the map by eye until it was re routed.

I finally got to the house and captured a few clips of the house and any fine details, capturing video is far more full on that stills but I still love it more!

By this point Tom the photographer turned up and we chatted for a bit to make sure we were both singing off the same song sheet, I have been a videographer for a long long time working around photographers, I’d much prefer to be accommodating to them.

I captured clips of Rosie getting ready, opening her gifts, champagne popping and then took Tom to see Steph getting ready, she was very quiet, nervous I think. I didn’t make a fuss, i’ve worked with Steph before, I got the vibes.

There was a lot of back and forth with the morning for me, making sure I got the clips I needed and also setting up audio before the ceremony began. I was happy with my wireless audio setup, the mic was hidden in the flowers and I had a long lens filming from the back to capture the final kiss etc.

Little did I know the bloody door was going to be shut!!!! luckily I still captured audio throughout haha!

During the ceremony the ladies couldn’t keep it together, smiles and laughs all round, a great atmosphere though and a lovely time.

After the vows I rushed outside to capture the confetti, this turned out great in slow motion too, after that it was Tom’s turn to gather the guests around for group shots and family photos. An easy part for me to capture candid moments. After this we went to capture Steph and Rosie alone as they enjoyed a quiet moment before the speeches.

The speeches were great but my god it was dark and orange in there, a lot harder to cater for during video that stills, there were some great speeches all around and Steph did a great job of keeping it together until right at the end bless her.

After the speeches it was cake cutting time, there was also a doughnut tower, I have to mention this as Steph was the sole organiser for this, it did look good to be fair haha.

The heavens then opened and guests got soaked running between buildings, luckily outside, the main area was sheltered for pizza night, they were glorious pizzas too!!

Once everyone had had enough dancing, with a live band too by the way (they were good) it was onto another sparkler session, after an incredible amount of lighting attempts from the ladies, a clipper lighter was produced and then it was a mad rush for them to be lit before the first one went out haha!!

It worked out really well though and always looks sweet.

After a long long evening it was time for me to head home for a long long drive, just as I was leaving I could hear Steph’s football team egging on the band for one more tune haha, I had to capture that…...what a great ending to a long but great day!!


Molly and Rob got married at Sopley Mill, in Ringwood, Dorset. a lovely location indeed and the first time I have manged to use my drone at a venue, what a cool place to break the venue virginity haha. I arrived there well ahead of schedule and it gave me more time to grab some decent shots with my drone, no need to rush, not yet anyway…..wait one!!

I first went to see Molly getting ready, the first issue they had was not being able to use the coffee machine haha, I made Sally (the hair and makeup artist) a cup of coffee as a tester and manage to sort it out, I do like to help during the morning preps, I think it helps to get settled in and make the couples comfortable.

I captured a few shots of the girls getting ready and then headed to the hotel where Rob was going to get ready, as I was leaving, Molly asked if I could take my microphones and record Rob reading out a letter to here, absolutely. I wasn’t aware that this was going to be on the cards but adapt and overcome as they say and I was more than happy to cater, I think it helps with the video structure a lot more and obviously it’s awesome for the couples too!!

I had filmed Rob and got some great clips of the guys getting ready and by this point Stephen the photographer had turned up. we chatted for a bit and worked around each other to get some key moments. I have said before, I have been a videographer for a while and prefer working around photographers, I’d much prefer to be accommodating to them.

Once I had finished at Rob’s, I went back to see Molly and get some clips of her getting ready in her dress, she looked great, they all did. I captured clips them opening gifts, champagne popping and then headed outside to get some clips of Rob and the guests getting ready.

As usual there was a lot of back and forth with setting up audio before the ceremony began. It was my first wedding with a new and different camera, the R5C, so it was hard to setup rapid, but managed to sort the mics and I set up a long lens filming from the back to capture the final kiss etc.

During the ceremony I came to the front to get Rob’s reaction, it was awesome to watch back their look to each other as they give a nervous glance and smile.

After the vows I rushed outside to capture the bubbles, this was a good chance to do a couple of takes whilst Stephen setup some walking shots. After that it was Stephens turn to gather the guests around for photos. I love this part because I can capture candid moments of love and laughter. After this we went to capture Molly and Rob alone, they were so fun and happy to be with each other, Stephen did a great job posing them, just as we were about to finish, the clouds broke and the sun was amazing, I had to set up some flared shot, I was so happy with the results.

Onto the speeches, as usual, it was dark and orange in there, I’m so glad I spent the extra hard work, running up and down loads of stairs to setup my video lights, this made the environment so much more balanced and easier to expose. During the speeches, Molly’s Dad gave a great speech and rinsed Rob, everyone loved it haha.

After the speeches it was cake cutting time, this was a hard location to light to be honest and the DJ gave a rapid countdown, luckily, I was vaguely ready haha. I was happy with the clips I captured though.

Before the dancing it was onto a sparkler session, this worked out really well to be honest and Stephen and I got loads of content during the walks up and down.

The moment that Taylor Swift started to play, you could hear a pin drop, everyone was looking into the dance floor at Molly and Rob, they looked so cute together, Rob stumbling left and right after many drinks but both looking into each other’s eyes, after Rob had given Molly a little spin, he egged everyone else onto the dance floor. This is when the carnage began haha. Old school classics, people looking at each other when R Kelly came on, Rob and Steve ploughing into the kids chairs after I asked them to follow me, it was all ace, so good to witness haha.

However, after a long, long evening it was time for me to head back to my new work for a nap, before a long drive from a great ending to a long but great day!!




Paul and Carrie, what a great couple, they got married in Hereford, Wales. We first met at a pub within the town centre. I arrived at the venue ahead of schedule and scouted out a couple of the places for shoots.

I first went to the Town Hall where the registry was going to be. This was my first wedding without bridal and groom prep too so a little shorter than normal. I asked for the specific room and had a look, it had huge windows to let light in, but it wasn’t a bright day and there were orange tungsten lights up above making skin tones a nightmare in post.

Once we had left the pub it was time to walk down to the hall together. Although it was small, it looks like a great piece of history in there with wood everywhere.

The families gathered around talking to each other until it was time to be seated, 15:00 was the time to start, it was Carries duty as a new bride to be fashionably late, but she wasn’t. Seeing as Paul was in the Army. Carrie arrived 5 minutes before! Nice.

During the ceremony I came to the front to get the couples reactions, it was awesome see them gazing at each other. So nice.

After the vows were said, I pounced to the rear of the room to get the shots of them walking down towards me. After that it was time for a huge group shot in the foyer on the Town Hall. This was very dark and the flash was a must.

Once this was complete it was time to head to the venue. A 10-minute scoot (walk) across to the Rowing Club beside the river, a lovely place to be honest.

The couple were brought into the venue, and it was onto the speeches. Presents were given out and it was great to see the reactions from the bridesmaids. Paul’s brother had flown over from Australia and it was so good to see the families reunited after such a long time apart.

After the speeches it was cake cutting time, this was a hard location to light. To be honest I was still eating and having a chat with the guests, I shot over to the area and managed to control the situation haha. All the cakes looked lush too.

Before the dancing it was onto a photo session near the river. Trouble was, it was raining. I grabbed my flash umbrellas and setup the flash stands in position. It was then a case of people hurrying out and trying not to get wet with frizzy hair. People were more concerned that I was going to fall in the river to be honest but I held a strong stance and survived haha.

It was then time for the music, a family member was the DJ I believe, played some absolute bangers though and the dance area was packed with the kids.

It was a great, great day however, after a long evening it was time for me to head back on a long drive. A great ending to a great day!!




James and Laura got married in a small church in a place called St Mary’s in Burford, Cotswolds. They then moved to a venue called The Swan Inn, just down the road in Swinbrook. What a beautiful location indeed. And I’ll also add that it was the Swan’s first wedding, they did an epic job hosting and catering. I arrived there in good time as it was quite a trek for me.

I first went to see Laura and introduced myself to friends and family. As this was a filming day I was very conscious of setting the scenes everywhere I went and not forgetting to get in some of the famous Cotswolds stone. Laura was getting ready in a place called Burford House, a hotel and restaurant, great little place, I had to work with the natural light and find little pockets to shine onto Laura. I had quite a lot of driving back and forth between James and Laura that morning, setting up various pieces and making sure I tried to get both James and Laura prepping. This is usually a doddle but here there were country lanes and very, very limited amount of parking places. I pulled it off though. Just got hot and sweaty in the process haha.

I finally got back to the church before guests (filmed some shots there earlier). It was supposed to fit 100 guests I believe. 160 arrived, it was so, so hot and my main concern was my 70-200mm long lens being at the back and being blocked by guests. Luckily, I had an additional shooter with me as a special guest. His name is Marty, and he is a director and cameraman who works alongside James. Top bloke and a gem to work with. Other than absolutely melting in there, I got everything I needed and was very happy.

After the vows I rushed outside to capture the confetti, I waited outside for a bit capturing additional BRoll, the trouble was my Canon R5 heated up and overheated, this was not ideal. I managed to change some of the settings and sort it out so that I could capture just before they exited the church. Luckily my problem solving squared this away and I managed to get the shots I was after, and this turned out great in slow motion.

After the Church it was time for James and Laura to grab some photos with their photographer and then move to the Pub via an old original Series 1 Landrover, that was awesome.

Once they had left it was time to leg it back to the main venue at the Swan. Steven (the landlord) had set up, what can only be described as an African bush camping tent setup. It looked so good and especially from the drone shots at sunset. My main concern as per was orange lighting and lowlight, the R5 performed fairly well on this occasion to be honest. But I did have to make a fair few adjustments in post to colour correct haha.

The speeches were great and having Marty there as an additional camera angle worked out really well, I did have to use a video light though, it was just too dark.

After the speeches it was cake cutting time, this looked lush to be honest and it was great that James and Laura got Lando (their son) involved with the cake and a giant military ceremonial sword.

Once the speeches were finished and the candle of remembrance was lit. I was onto the first dance. This caught me off guard as it was Fat Boy Slim, ‘praise you’ that played. I wasn’t expected a classic dance tune to kick off the night.

It worked out really well though and set the night up for what to come. A GROOM DJ SET!

Little did I know that James was into the same sort of “classic Ibiza” music that I was. James and Laura got up on stage and took over the DJ booth with a set to remember. Lasers, glow sticks, the lot. What a way to finish!!

After a long, long evening it was time for me to head home for a long, long drive. It was hard to leave the epic music but I stuck Spotify on in the car and got back into the zone, buzzing  …...what a great ending to a great day!!

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